New Social Media Handles, and Why

Our locations recently went their separate ways on social media.

Previously we were at @themeteorcafe, and we still are there. However, we began new location-specific handles @themeteoraustin and @themeteornwa, and here’s why…

We have so many things going on at both locations that our feed (posts and stories) was a big jumble of confused messaging. It was difficult to know which location was doing what. our locations recently moved to their own distinct paths on social media. So we decided each location would have its own voice, so as to be the most productive and thoughtfully effective.

Now we can keep our messaging consistent and streamlined for each location, while still speaking on our @themeteorcafe handle for ALL THINGS Meteor. This method of divide and conquer will also allow us to focus on specific locations as we (shhhh, secret) grow add more locations.

Follow along as we continue to offer all the finer things in life, possibly in a new location near you.


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